Hannah Chappell

"Passengers tell me how nice it is to see a female bus driver. I’m proud to play a role in moving millions of customers safely, reliably and on time." Hannah Campbell, Lead bus driver
“Transdev is like one big family with a real sense of camaraderie. I always have a good chat before a shift, or at lunch, and my colleagues and managers aren’t afraid to compliment me on a job well done. Plus, work can be flexible, so if a shift clashes with a special occasion I can generally swap it around.”

Hannah draws great satisfaction from her role in connecting the city. “I love the feeling of belonging to something bigger than the network I serve. I’m proud to play a role in moving millions of customers safely, reliably and on time. I mean, imagine if there weren’t buses to take you to your job or to see friends? You’d miss out on a lot.”


Hannah happily goes the extra mile every day. Her willingness and drive to be constantly improving customers’ lives, reward her with lots of positive feedback. “People say such lovely things — from how nice it is to see a female bus driver, to thanking me for a smooth journey. And I love the big smile of appreciation I get when someone who’s running late can relax once they’re on my bus. It feels like I am making a positive impact on people’s day.”


As Lead Driver, Hannah plays an important role in looking out for fellow workers. “I recently discovered one of my drivers was having a hard time at home so I took him aside to talk. I learned he was in a bad way and we agreed to take him off the shift for personal reasons, and because driving in certain mental states can be dangerous to the public. Then I offered him access to our Employee Assistance Program which is standard practice.”

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